Friday, July 22, 2011

Ten Months Old

Dear Sweet Hannah Joy,

You would have been 10 months old today. I can so easily imagine how beautiful would be. You would be crawling around, pulling yourself up on furniture, and tormenting your big brother and dog! Oh how I wish that was happening right now. We miss you, sweet girl. Everybody does. Daddy can't listen to Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Cinderella" without tears welling up in his eyes. Lately, big brother Micah has been asking about you more and more. He misses you so much.

In honor of your 10 month birthday, we are moving away from your CaringBridge site to this website where people can write you letters, tell stories about how your life impacted theirs, or to write out their feelings when they find themselves hurting and missing you.

We love you sweet girl. We know you would want us to be happy, and keep moving along... and we are doing just that. You will always be a part of our lives...never forgotten.

I miss you especially today.



  1. This will be a nice place for you to share Hannah with others...and to write what's on your hearts and to express your feelings and recall your memories!

    Happy 10 months Birthday to Hannah Joy!

